Cabo Strong Update Aug. 21st Post Hurricane Cleanup

Most predicted a westward turn as is normally the case. As she approached she lost strength and slowed to a crawl as we watched in anticipation the winds were down to 90 mph and a steady rain drenched the southern Baja.

The Pacific side was much more affected as the stalled storm dumped over 10” of needed rain onto our parched desert. The Sierras are made of steep-sided granite mountains and flash flood created arroyos flushing sand, soil, and debris into the ocean and sea. The uphill side of Cabo San Lucas does the same and the streets become concrete rivers flowing into the marina and out into Cabo Bay. As you can see this creates a huge mess on Medano Beach. The locals here are a strong dedicated group who are wasting no time getting our tourist destination back to the clean paradise you know and love. This group effort is a huge job that takes hundreds of hands and an army of assistance. Los Cabos is made up of people from all over Mexico who come for the opportunity to better their family’s lives, as well as people from all over the globe. Once discovered, the Baja and Los Cabos capture your hearts. You will find the Mexicans, Canadians, and Gringos that live here are from all over North America and the world. While we are a diverse group the one thing we all have in common is a strong love for our beautiful Los Cabos and an attitude of gratitude. On your next visit to this beautiful desert on the Sea be sure to thank the people that serve you with a smile and make your Los Cabos vacation so fantastic. Most everyone will ask you where you are from, please be sure to ask them where they are from. We all have a unique story to share and like being appreciated. This simple act of caring goes a long way to better understand and appreciate each other.

Your team at Cabosfinest will continue venturing about and reporting back to you as our desert by the Sea goes from parched dry season to deep green and lush rainy season. On the occasional times, we do get a bit or a lot of rain, we always thank the Gods! It is always a treat. We just love this wonderful Los Cabos and every season finds joy in being part of the community. This is the second half of our Hurricane season so we all stay prepared and optimistic. Los Cabos is fully functioning and ready for your next visit.

This video update is brought to you by Cabos Finest your insider’s guide to Los Cabos. If you like this update be sure to subscribe and check out our blog with over 250 videos of Los Cabos. Thank you for watching it.

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