Stage & Video your Home for Sale

How to stage your home and create a video in order to make the sale in Los Cabos.
When selling a home in Los Cabos you are selling a lifestyle. In a competitive buyers market like Los Cabos sellers must do everything in their power to make their homes stand out…

It’s of utmost importance to stage and declutter your home and to showcase the property with a meaningful scripted and narrated video with background music.

With these two powerful tools, you will sell your home faster and for far more money.
On average, staged homes sell 88% faster and for 20% more than nonstaged homes, which is nothing to sneeze at.

So you are ready to sell your Los Cabos home? Now comes the crucial step of staging it with the right furnishings.
If your home is empty you will need to stage it.
Empty homes are slower to sell and sell for less money. Renting the furnishings is a far better option than leaving it empty. The upfront cost is expensive and can seem staggering until you compare it with the carrying cost of the home not selling or selling for less than market value.

If your home is already furnished be sure to remove all your personal items and keepsakes and remember less is more. Painting is also a great idea. Buying a home in Los Cabos is all about lifestyle. The far majority of listings have been professionally furnished by interior decorators and the furnishings are either included or are an option in the final sale. Having your home professionally decorated will pay off by selling faster and for more money. Remember that you are competing against some stiff competition. The majority of homes are newer and are geared toward modern outdoor living. Make sure you spend as much time on the outdoor areas as you are in the living room. Plants make a big difference in making the space feel warm and likable. Try to pick hardy and appropriate varieties that will thrive in a dry sunny climate. Thankfully there are plenty of landscape companies to assist you and maintain your garden.

Once you have decorated and staged the home you are ready to hire a professional video production company to capture its magic. Great photography and a video is the crucial second step in getting your home sold. A clear succinct narrated video is more likely to stand out.

Did you know that research has found people remember-
20% of what they hear
30% of what they see
And 70% of what the hear and see

If a picture is worth 1,000 words, a narrated video is priceless.

High-quality videos should be scripted, concise, and not too long to be the most effective. If this seems a bit too much for you we can assist. We have produced hundreds of narrated videos for homes, developments, and restaurants and are happy to quote you on a narrated video price. We have received many more inquiries on properties for sale, yacht charters, and boutique hotel bookings from videos that promote these various subjects. Viewers respond quickly with their thanks on sharing all of what Los Cabos has to offer. Who doesn’t appreciate a local’s feedback who has lived in an area for years? Sharing with you what to stay away from, and what to do instead of what you previously thought was a great idea sure can save you a lot of precious time and money. WE get so little vacation time every minute is precious.

Give us a call and let’s get started. This is brought to you by Cabosfinest your insider’s guide to Los Cabos.

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